Harrison County OHGenWeb
History & Genealogy

Cemetery Locations

By townships

Archer Township

  • BOYLE: NE Qtr. S1,T11,R5 Archer Twp. 1837. Two miles north of Cadiz on Cadiz-Jewett Rd. (Ohio 9) and Dog Pound Rd. (TR189)
  • BUSBY: S1,T11,R5, Archer Twp. See map for location.
  • GAMBLE: SE Qtr. S8,T11,R5 Archer Twp. 1840. 3.75 mile north of Cadiz on Cadiz-Jewett Road (Route 9)
  • HEALEA: SE Qtr. S31,T9,R4, Archer Twp.
  • HITCHCOCK: NW Qtr. S1,T11,R5, Archer Twp. Cadiz-Jewett Rd. (Ohio 9) north of Cadiz.
  • MAHOLM: SE Qtr. S10,T11,R5 Archer Twp. 1818. Bells Hill Road (Township Rd. 186)
  • MATTERN: NE Qtr S31,T10,R4, Archer Twp., abt 1822. Near junction of Mattern Rd. (TR191) and Cadiz-Amsterdam Rd. (CR51)
  • MCGAW:NW Qtr. S1,T11,R5, Archer Twp. Three miles northwest of Cadiz on Ohio 9.
  • RIDGEVIEW: SW Qtr. S23,T11,R5, Archer Twp., 1818. On Hanover Ridge Rd.(CR17)

Athen Township

  • LONGVIEW: NW Qtr.S35,T8,R4, Athens Twp., 1887, on Ohio 9 just north of New Athens.
  • MALCOLM: S12,T9,R5, Athens Twp., 1826. WPA location in 1940 4 miles from Ohio 22, two miles from Ohio 9 and two miles from Ohio 519. Could not be located in 1984.
  • McKAIN: S30,T9,R5, Athens Twp., 1822. One from from U.S. 22 and 20 feet from Ohio 519.
  • NEW ATHENS M.E.: S5,T9,R5, Athens Twp., 1828. 400 feet west of Ohio 9 and 15 feet north of Ohio 519. 

Cadiz Township

  • BARRETT FAMILY: S26,T10,R5, Cadiz Twp., 1811. Holliday farm on U.S. 22 just west of CR16.
  • CADIZ, OLD: S5,T10,R5, Cadiz Twp., 1810. Ohio and South streets in Cadiz. (Published in Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, 1972, p. 154.
  • CADIZ UNION: S35,T9,R4, Cadiz Twp., 1860. Charleston St., Cadiz.
  • CECIL FAMILY: S20,T10,R5, Cadiz Twp. On George and Zora Dickerson farm near U.S. 22 and TR 265. No markers.
  • DICKERSON NO. 1 / DICKERSON CHURCH: S32,T9,R4, Cadiz Twp., 1807. between Ohio 9 and U.S. 250, reached by Dickerson Church Road (TR93)
  • DICKERSON NO. 2: Location unknown, Cadiz Twp., 1820. Listed by WPA in 1940 as near U.S.22 and a township road, it could not be located in 1984.
  • DICKERSON NO. 3: Location unknown, Cadiz Twp., 1822. Listed by WPA in 1940 as near U.S. 22 and a township road. It could not be located in 1984.
  • HINES/MORAVIAN RIDGE: NE Qtr.S29,T10,R5, Cadiz Twp., 1820. Cadiz-Deersville Road (CR2), two miles from U.S. 250.
  • INFIRMARY: S18,T10,R5, Cadiz Twp., 1870.  On Cadiz-Dennison Road (U.S. 250) four miles from Cadiz at the Harrison County Infirmary.
  • LEES RUN: S34,T10,R5, Cadiz Twp., 1844, Two miles off U.S. 22 on Kanoski Road (TR269) and Lees Run Road (TR324)
  • MORAVIAN RIDGE: See Hines/Moravian Ridge, Cadiz Twp.
  • TAYLOR HILL: SW Qtr.S6,T10,R5, Cadiz Twp., 1845, one mile north on Cadiz on Hesford Road (TR243)
  • TITUS: SW Qtr.S32,T10,R5, Cadiz Twp., 1812, short distance southwest of Cassville Road (TR268)
  • WILSON FAMILY: SW Qtr.S17,T10.R5, Cadiz Twp., 1827, on the hill southwest of junction of Deersville Ridge Road (CR2) and Barricklow Lane (CR3) 

Franklin Township

  • CHAPEL  or WEAVER'S RUN or CHURCH OF CHRIST: East half,S13,T13,R7, Franklin Twp., 1875. At Intersection of Plum Run Rd. (CR8) and Tappan Hills Rd. (CR39)
  • CHURCH OF CHRIST: See Chapel, Franklin Twp.
  • COPELAND: NE Qtr,S10,T13,R7, Franklin Twp. From Moravian Trail Rd. (CR2), take Easlick Rd. (CR280) nine-tenths mile to a curve, then walk one-fourth mile northwest to cemetery.
  • DEERSVILLE METHODIST: See Old Deersville Methodist, Franklin Twp.
  • FEED SPRINGS: SW Qtr.,S10,T13,R7, Franklin Twp., 1826. On Moravian Trail Rd. (CR2) 5.5 miles west of Deersville.
  • FRANKLIN or PUMPHREY: NE Qtr.,S4,T13,R7, Franklin Twp., 1845. On Cadiz-Dennison Rd. (U.S. 250) adjoins roadside park near intersection of Willis Run Rd. (TR213)
  • MERRYMAN or UTTERBACK: NW Qtr.,S16,T13,R7, Franklin Twp. North side of Moravian Trail Rd. (CR2) about one-half mile west of Plum Run Road (CR8). Stones located on a bank to right of house with a wide cement driveway.
  • OLD DEERSVILE METHODIST: S25,T12,R6, Franklin Twp., 1824. North of Main St. in Deersville.
  • PATTERSON UNION: S25,T12,R6, Franklin Twp., 1870. South of Main St. in Deersville.
  • PUMPHREY: See Franklin, Franklin Twp.
  • TAPPAN: North half,S34,T12,R6., Franklin Twp., 1841. 500 feet from Cadiz-Dennison Road (U.S. 250) on Mill Hill Rd. (TR215)
  • UTTERBACK: See Merryman, Franklin Twp.
  • WEAVER'S RUN: See Chapel, Franklin Twp.
  • ZATT FAMILY: SE Qtr.,S35,T12,R6, Franklin Twp. One-half mile on Mill Hill Rd. (CR215) then walk one-fourth mile west to cemetery. 

Freeport Township

  • BOONE or SEARS FARM: NE Qtr.,S12,T11,R7, Freeport Twp., 1830. On south side of Cummins Rd. (TR306) two-tenths mile from Birmingham Rd. (CR10). Cemetery located in back of house and farm buildings, on or near site of first Quaker church. No stones.
  • BOYD - KERR: NE Qtr.,S25,T12,R7, Freeport Twp., 1822. On Steel Hollow Rd. (TR106) three-tenths mile north of Westchester Rd. (Ohio 342).
  • CHRISTIAN HILL: SE Qtr.,S13,T12,R7, Freeport Twp. North edge of village of Freeport, reached from Pine St., on top of hill. No stones.
  • DAVIDSON - LATHAM: SE Qtr.,S29,T11,R7, Freeport Twp. On Mitchell Rd. (TR526) four-tenths mile from Dry Ridge Rd. (CR57) or one-tenth mile from Crab Orchard Rd. (TR117), take a private road up the hill past an oil well. Stones located in trees.
  • FREEPORT METHODIST: South half,S13,T12,R7, Freeport Twp., 1812. On hill at north edge of village of Freeport at the end of Muskinum St.
  • FREEPORT PRESBYTERIAN: NE Qtr,S18,T11,R7, Freeport Twp., 1827.    On Ohio 800 behind the Ernest Karr house on Main St. in Freeport.
  • GREENMONT: SW Qtr.,S7,T12,R7, Freeport Twp., 1818, includes Quaker Cemetery. On Ohio 800 at the northeast edge of Freeport.
  • KERR: See Boyd-Kerr, Freeport Twp.
  • LATHAM: See Davidson-Latham, Freeport Twp.
  • QUAKER: SW Qtr.,S7,T12,R7, Freeport Twp., 1818, now a part of Greenmont Cemetery. On Ohio 800 at the northeast edge of Freeport.
  • QUILLEN FAMILY: NE Qtr.,S31,T12,R7, Freeport Twp. Accessible from Charles Cyrus home at 26220 Westchester Rd. (Ohio 342) which is 2.2 miles west of Steele Hollow Rd. (TR106), near fence in field in back of barn.
  • ROGERS FAMILY: NW Qtr,S31,T12,R7, Freeport Twp. Accessible from Charles Cyrus home at 26220 Westchester Rd. (Ohio 342) which is 2.2 miles west of Steele Hollow Rd. (TR106), just across fence from Quillen Family Cemetery in field in back of barn. See Quillen Family, Freeport Twp.
  • SEARS FARM: See Boone, Freeport Twp.
  • SHUGART: See Wright-Sguart, Freeport Twp.
  • SMYRNA M.E.: SW Qtr.,S4,T11,R7, Freeport Twp., 1832. Near junction of Cadiz-Piedmont Rd. (U.S. 22) and Bridge Rd. (TR123) in Smyrna.
  • WRIGHT - SHUGART: SW Qtr.,S24,T11,R7, Freeport Twp., 1849. 500 feet west of Birmingham-Freeport Rd. (CR10) about six-tenths mile south of Biggs Hollow Rd. (TR106) and just before reaching Crab Orchard Rd. 

German Township

  • ARNOLD: NW Qtr.,S24,T10,R4, German Twp.,1821. One-fourth mile east of Cadiz-Amsterdam Rd. (CR31) about one mile north of Center Unity Cemtery.
  • BLUE RIDGE: SE Qtr.,S12,T10,R4, German Twp., 1815. Also known as Hilldale. Located at Blue Ridge Road (TR615) and Murray Road (TR168).
  • BUFFALO HILL: NE Qtr,S7,T11,R4, German Twp., 1816. One-fourth mile west of Blue Ridge Rd. (TR165) and two miles north of Blue Ridge Cemetery.
  • CANAAN: SE Qtr.,S19,T11,R4, German Twp., 1840. South of Toker Rd. (TR164) one-half mile west of Miller's Station Rd. (CR4).
  • CENTER UNITY: SW Qtr.,S24,T10,R4, 1840, German Twp.  Junction of Cadiz-Amsterdam Rd. (CR51) and Cadiz Junction-Carman Rd. (CR46).
  • GERMANO: or NEW JEFFERSON: South half,S27,T11,R4, German Twp., 1853. On Germano-Carrollton Rd. (Ohio9), one-fourth mile north of Germano.
  • HAUN: NW Qtr.,S25,T11,R4, German Twp., 1820. Location uncertain. One hundred feet north of Salem-Hanover Rd. which is now Toker Rd. (TR164).
  • HILLDALE: See Blue Ridge
  • LOWMILLER #1: SW Qtr.,S27,T11,R4, German Twp, 1827. Listed by WPA as 150 feet south of Ohio 606 (646?) but could not be found.
  • LOWMILLER #2: NW Qtr.,S26,T11,R4, German Twp., 1814. One-fourth mile southwest of Germano Cemetery.
  • LUTHERAN: See Zion, German Twp.
  • NEW JEFFERSON: See Germano.
  • SPROAT: NE Qtr.,S2,T11,R4, German Twp., 1811. Original location was 700 feet south of Marker Rd. (TR165). It was moved to Blue Ridge Cemetery in 1984 because of coal stripping.
  • TEDROW: NE Qtr.,S19,T11,R4, German Twp., 1812. Four-tenths mile north of Toker Rd. (TR164) and one-half mile west of Miller's Station Rd. (CR4).
  • WHEELER: NE Qtr.,S5,T10,R4, German Twp., 1842 or earlier. South of Murray Road (TR168) and one mile east of junction with Marker Rd. (TR165).
  • ZION OR LUTHERAN: NE Qtr.,S20,T11,R4, German Twp., 1809. On Miller's Station Rd. (CR4) one mile south of junction with Annapolis Road (Ohio 646). 

Green Township

  • BEECH SPRING: SW Qtr.S1,T10,R4, Green Twp., 1812. Three miles south of Hopedale on Beech Road (TR64)
  • BETHEL: SE Qtr.S28,T10,R4, Green Twp., 1814. 2.3 miles north of U.S. 22 on Jewett-Hopedale Road (Ohio 151) at junction of the Cadiz-Amsterdam Road (CR51).
  • BRICKER: NE Qtr.S24,T9,R4, Green Twp., 1814. Lower Clearfork Road (CR13 between East Cadiz and Unionvale.
  • COVENANTER CHURCH: S9,T10,R4, Green Twp. Short distance north of Hopedale.  Location plowed over.
  • FERGUSON: NE Qtr.S3,T10,R4, Green Twp., 1810. North of U.S. 22 at Harrison-Jefferson County line.
  • GREENWOOD: SE Qtr.S14,T10,R4, Green Twp., 1812. Five miles northeast of Cadiz on Old Hopedale Road (CR5)
  • HOPEDALE: NE Qtr.S8,T10,R4, Green Twp., 1845. In Hopedale village.
  • ORR-SMITH: SW Qtr.S22,T10,R4, Green Twp. 2.2 mile north of U.S. 22 on Jewett-Hopedale Road (Ohio 151).
  • STONE: NE Qtr.S11,T9,R4, Green Twp., 1817. Near Rose Valley Crossing on Rose Valley Road (CR14). 

Monroe Township

  • BEAVER VALLEY: SE half,S24,T12,R6, Monroe Twp., 1831. 2.8 miles north of Cadiz-Dennison Rd. (U.S. 250) at junction of Beaver Dam Rd. (CR25) and Hedgeapple Rd. (TR360).
  • BOWERSTON: See Longview, Monroe Twp.
  • BROWN: NE Qtr.,S1,T14,R7, Monroe Twp., 1826. 2.3 miles north of Cadiz-Dennison Road (U.S. 250) on Plum Run-Bowerston Rd. (CR8) about one-fourth mile north of Plum Run Road.
  • HELLER: SE Qtr.,S32,T13,R6, Monroe Twp., One mile east of Patterson Rd. (Ohio 151) on Gundy Ridge Rd. (CR44)
  • LONGVIEW: NW half,S27,T13,R6, Monroe Twp., 1810, on State St. north of Ohio 151 in Bowerston.
  • McMILLEN: NE Qtr.,S7,T14,R7, Monroe Twp., 1837. Cemetery in hog lot of Orville Patterson farm north of Patterson Rd.(Ohio 151) about one mile north of Cadiz-Dennison Rd. (U.S. 250).
  • PLUM RUN CHURCH: SW Qtr.,S16,T13,R7, Monroe Twp., 1830. On Plum Run Rd. (CR8) 1.15 miles north of Cadiz-Dennison Rd. (U.S. 250).
  • PLUM RUN HILLTOP: SW Qtr.,S6,T13,R7, Monroe Twp., 1830. On Plum Run Rd. (CR8) one mile north of Cadiz-Dennison Rd. (U.S. 250), one-fourth mile west of church.
  • TUNNEL HILL: South half,S3,T14,R7, Monroe Twp., 1842. One-half mile west of Patterson Rd. (Ohio 151) on Gundy Ridge Rd. (CR44) to Tunnel Hill Rd. (CR44A). 

Moorefield Township

  • BAPTIST CHURCH: NE Qtr.S23,T10,R6, Moorefield Twp. Just south of western edge of Moorefield. May have been moved.
  • CASSVILLE: NW Qtr.S31,T10,R5, Moorefield Twp., 1858. North of U.S. 22 on Rankin-Cassville Road (CR31) one mile, then left on old Piedmont Road (CR16) one-half mile.
  • COMPHER FARM: S22,T10,R6, Moorefield Twp., 1830. North of Holloway Road (Ohio 331) between Piedmont and Holloway.
  • MOOREFIELD M.E.: SE Qtr.S24,T10,R6, Moorefield Twp., 1815. Just north of U.S. 22 at eastern edge of village of Moorefield on Moore and Taggart roads (TR 253 and 336)
  • NOTTINGHAM: S6,T10,R6, Moorefield Twp., 1815. Just south of U.S. 22 on Nottingham-Holloway road (CR42).
  • RANKIN M.E.: East half of S31,T10,R5, Moorefield Twp., 1810. Intersection of U.S. 22 and Rankin-Cassville Road (CR31).
  • SPRING: See Compher Farm, Moorefield Twp. 

North Township

  • CONOTTON: Center of S14,T13,R6, North Twp., 1818. On Conotton-Tappan Rd.(CR25) one-half mile south of Conotton.
  • GRANDVIEW or SCIO M.E.: SW Qtr.,S31,T12,R5, North Twp., 1860. Southwest of Scio a short distance on Cemetery Rd. (TR230) Partially published in Charles A. Hanna's Historical Collections of Harrison County.
  • HANOVER: NE Qtr.,S29,T11,R5, North Twp., 1828. On Havanick Rd. (TR237) just north of Hanover Ridge Rd. (CR17). Published in John Campbell's columns in Cadiz Republican.
  • METHODIST EPISCOPAL: NE Qtr.,S31,T12,R5, North Twp., 1832. In Scio, just off Ohio 151 on Eastport Rd.
  • SCIO M.E.: See Grandview, North Twp.
  • WOOD: NE Qtr.S27,T12,R5, North Twp., 1839. Twenty feet north of the Kilgore Ridge Rd. (CR47) about two miles north of Scio. Published in 1970 monograph of Harrison County Historical Society. 

Nottingham Township

  • BARRETT FAMILY: See Hopewell Friends, Nottingham Twp.
  • BEALL (BELL): See Hopewell Friends, Nottingham Twp.
  • OLD BETHEL: SW Qtr,S22,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp., 1830. Near junction of Palmer-Hill-Red Eye Rd. (CR60) and Jones Rd. (TR338). Nearest to Donley Rd. (TR337). Go to top of hill and walk south 960 feet from TR337.
  • NEW BETHEL: NE Qtr,S22,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp., 1840. South of the crossroads at Palmer-Hill-Red Eye Rd. (CR60) and Springtown Rd. (TR339).
  • BLAIR FAMILY: SE Qtr.,S36,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp. One-half mile west of Adams Rd. (TR303) on Vickers Rd. (TR304). Accessible on foot on the hill back of the Vickers place.
  • HOPEWELL FRIENDS - BARRETT FAMILY - BEALL (BELL): NE Qtr.,S3,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp., 1830. One and one-half mile north of Cassville or Cassville Rd. (TR268) one-fourth mile east of Pugh Cemetery.
  • MINKSVILLE: SE Qtr.,S10,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp., 1830. North side of Brushy Fork Rd. (CR1) at Minksville-Red Eye Rd. (CR54).
  • MOLESWORTH: NE Qtr.,S35,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp., 1820 or earlier. On Adams Rd. (TR303) south of junction with Poulson-Stewart Rd.(TR312).
  • MOORE FAMILY: SW Qtr.,S26,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp. Junction of Clendening Lake Rd. (Ohio 799) and Kennedy Ridge Rd. (CR20). Stone was in yard of abandoned Moore homestead.
  • PUGH-KENT: East half,S9,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp., 1835. North on Pugh Rd. (TR347) from Elk Run Rd. (TR340) on left side of Pugh Rd. near sharp bend.
  • SHARON-SECEDER: NW Qtr.,S30,T11,R6, Nottingham Twp., Congregation organized about 1825. Accessible on foot west of Adams Rd. (TR303) about one mile south of Deersville. 

Rumley Township

  • BARE: NW Qtr.,S35,T10,R4, Rumley Twp., 1831. On a hilltop less than one-fourth mile on foot north of the Jewett-Hopedale Road (Ohio 151) from a large brick house about one-tenth mile from the Jewett corporation line. Burials published in 1972 monograph of Harrison County Historical Society.
  • EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN: SQ Qtr.,S14,RT12,R5, Rumley Twp., 1820, 300 feet north of the Scio-German Rd. (Ohio 646) near New Rumley.
  • FAIRVIEW: N Qtr.,S6,T11,R5, Rumley Twp., 1860. On Fairview Cemetery Rd. (CR7) Between Jewett and the Scio-German Rd. (Ohio 646).
  • MILLER: NE Qtr.,S31, T11,R4, Rumley Twp., 1836. Two miles northeast of Jewett on Jewett-Germano Road (Ohio 9), turn on Faith Ranch Rd., three-fourths mile to top of hill.  Cemetery is 100 yards west of private road.  Published in 1970 monograph of Harrison County Historical Society.
  • NEW RUMLEY METHODIST: SW Qtr,S14,T12,R5, Rumley Twp, 1872. 200 feet off Scio-New Rumley Road (Ohio 646) at New Rumley.
  • UNITED BRETHREN: SW Qtr.,S14,R12,R5, New Rumley, 1833. On Scio-New Rumley Rd. (Ohio 646) at New Rumley. Burials partially listed in Charles A. Hanna's Historical Collections of Harrison County. 

Short Creek Township

  • ALLEY: See Harrisville M.E., Short Creek Twp.
  • ATKINSON: S13,T9,R4, Short Creek Twp., 1829. Southwest of Cadiz-Harrisville Road (U.S. 250), approximately one mile from Georgetown. Bodies moved to Short Creek.
  • BRANSON: Short Creek Twp. See Furbay.
  • COLORED A.M.E.: SE Qtr.S13,T9,R4, Short Creek Twp., 1867. 500 feet off U.S. 250 on Hawthorne Road (TR523)
  • FRIENDS: See West Grove, Short Creek Twp.
  • FURBAY: NE Qtr.S13,T9,R4, Short Creek Twp., 1828. Accessible from U.S. 250 by a lane beginning at a point about one-half mile north of Georgetown.
  • HARRISVILLE M.E.: East half S5,T8,R4, Short Creek Twp., 1829. 300 feet off U.S. 250 at Harrisville.
  • OLIVE BRANCH: West half S5,T8,R4, Short Creek Twp., 1836. Just off U.S. 250 at edge of Harrisville on Olive Branch Road (CR36A).
  • SHORTCREEK: S13,T9,R4, Short Creek Twp., 1867. Just off U.S. 250 about one-half mile north of Georgetown. Accessible from U.S. 250 by a lane.
  • STIERS: East half S22,T8,R4, Short Creek Twp., 1826. On Stiers Cemetery Road (TR86B) which is three miles southwest of Harrisville on High Street Road (CR36).
  • WEST GROVE: NE Qtr.S20,T9,R4, Short Creek Twp., 1867. On Grove Road (TR511) which is one mile north of Seleski Road (TR78) which turns north off U.S. 250 one mile northwest of Georgetown.
  • WILSON FAMILY: Location not identified, Short Creek Twp., 1833. Shown on WPA maps as 85 feet north of U.S. 250. 

Stock Township

  • COLORED A.M.E. or LITTLE ZION or MT. ZION: SE Qtr, S23,T12,R6, Stock Twp., 1852. Two miles north of Cadiz-Dennison Rd. (U.S. 250) on Fowler Rd.(TR219), known as Willis Brook Beagle Club Road.
  • CONAWAY: NE Qtr.,S33,T11,R5, Stock Twp., 1830. 100 feet north of Lower Clear Fork Rd. (CR22) near junction of Merryman and Nixon Roads (CR45).
  • LITTLE ZION: See Colored A.M.E., Stock Twp.
  • MT. ZION: See Colored A.M.E., Stock Twp.
  • McGEE: East half,S19,T12,R6, Stock Twp., 1818. One mile from Deersville at intersection of Deersville Ridge Rd. (CR2) and Wallace Rd. (TR329). Published in 1975 monograph of Harrison County Historical Society.
  • McKINNEY: SE Qtr.,S1,T12,R6, Stock Twp., 1840. On foot about one-fourth mile northeast from Brough Rd. (Bruff TR314) to top of the hill. About one-half mile from Cadiz-Dennison Rd. (U.S. 250) via Addy Rd. (TR313).
  • MOUNT HOPE: SE Qtr.,S10,T12,R6, Stock Twp., 1823. The cemetery drive is one-fourth mile east of Tappan-Scio Rd. (Ohio 646) on Morrow Rd. (TR228A). Published in 1970 monograph of Harrison County Historical Society.
  • PLEASANT VALLEY: SE Qtr.,S15,T12,R6, Stock Twp., 1850.  The cemetery  drive is seven-tenths mile west of Tappan-Scio Rd (Ohio 646) on Cadiz-Dennison Road (U.S. 250). Partially published in Charles A. Hanna's Historical Collections of Harrison County.
  • SPIKER: NW Qtr.,S31,T11,R5, Stock Twp., 1826. Just off Cadiz-Dennison Road (U.S. 250) on east side of Wallace Rd. (TR236). Published in 1970 monograph of Harrison County Historial Society. 

Washington Township

  • CORINTH: See Jenkins, Washington Twp.
  • DAVIDSON (Zera Davidson family): SW Qtr.,S34,T12,R7, Washington Twp. North side of Cutlip Rd. (TR104) about one-half mile west of Clendening Lake Rd. (CR6).
  • JENKINS or CORINTH: NW Qtr.,S8,T12,R7, Washington Twp., 1878. On Friendly Ridge Rd. (CR61) about four-tenths mile west of Freeport-Tippecanoe Rd. (Ohio 800).
  • McCONNELL: NW Qtr.,S11,T12,R7, Washington Twp., 1850. 500 feet north of Tippecanoe-Brownsville Rd. (CR6) about 2.5 miles northeast of Tippecanoe which is also one-tenth mile southwest of the junction of CR6 and YMCA Rd. (TR304).
  • MAYS: West half,S29,T12,R7, Washington Twp., 1835. On Mays School Road (CR24) 1.5 mile northwest of Tippecanoe, near junction of Stull Rd. (TR101).
  • MYERS: NW Qtr,S18,T12,R7, Washington Twp., 1820. About one-half mile east of Tippecanoe Rd. (Ohio 800N) on Ferguson Rd. (TR290). Published in 1972 monograph of Harrison County Historical Society.
  • STEPHENS: Washington Twp. Go 1.1 mile south of Tippecanoe-Brownsville Rd. (CR60) on the Van Sickle Rd. (TR296) to where the road deadends.