Harrison County OHGenWeb
History & Genealogy

Clarissa Anderson Obituary

The Chariton Leader, Chariton, Iowa —Thursday, February 18, 1909

CLARISSA ANDERSON was born at Cadiz, Ohio, March 18, 1840, and died at her home near Chariton, Friday, Feb. 12, 1909.  She was united in marriage to JAMES GILLESPIE, Feb. 29, 1860.  They were the parents of eight children, seven of whom with the husband survive her.  They are DR. J. A. of California; W..A. of Colorado; MRS. WEST of Afton; MRS. OLIVER BREWER of Ottumwa, N. T., LILLIE and SARAH who reside at home.  One daughter died in young womanhood.

The funeral services were held at the home in Benton Township, conducted by Rev. G. J. Findly, Pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, and interment made in Chariton Cemetery.  Thus another home is broken by the loss of a loving wife and devoted mother, and yet they have the consolation that she has finished her work upon earth and gone to her reward in glory.  Sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing relatives.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
May 11, 2005
posted at this site with Nancee's permission